
  • Description/Genre: Mobile Coop Storywriting App
  • Technology: Native Script, Node.js, MongoDB
  • Scale: 2.5 months (among other subjects)
  • Team Size: Five
  • Job: Back-End Development
  • Biggest Learning: Learning new tech, environments and generally implementing things for the first time might be frightening, but is actually very fun and motivating.


Storymaker is an application designed for Android systems, in which players collectively write stories. There are two modes. “Freestyle” means each player can write whatever they want and pass the text to the next person when they are ready. “Fill-in-the-Blanks” on the other hand is more interesting. We wrote many loose preset sentences with blanks in them. The player is asked to fill in a blank, and does not see anything coming after that. Those inputs from players are dynamically utilized to fill in some of the future holes. As an example, when giving a character in the story a name, that name will automatically be placed at each spot of the story where that name should be.

Each finished story can be read by other players and rated with stars. You can add friends, start games only with random users in a specified radius around your GPS location, and more.