Master’s Thesis

Description: Thesis with the title: “Evaluation of Gamification Aspects of a Vibration Board in Movement Therapy on the Example of Exercise Games” Technology: Unity, C#, Qt, LaTeX Scale: Six Months Team Size: Only me (consulted by therapists)...


Description: Mechanical and Software Engineering Challenge (Master Practical Course) Technology: Eagle, Fusion 360, MPLAB X (Language C) Scale: Two Months Team Size: Four Job: Mid- and High-level software design (Direction Control, Maze & Maze Control) Our...

Dice Probability Framework

Description: A framework for calculating dice probabilities Technology: Python, Pycharm Scale: Side-project within five months Team Size: Only me Job: Everything Biggest Learning: Sometimes it is worth to quickly hack a tool, then develop the overarching design, and...

Bachelor’s Thesis

Description: Thesis with the title: “Dimension-wise Spatial-adaptive Refinement with the Sparse Grid Combination Technique” Technology: Python, Pycharm, LaTeX Scale: Four Months Team Size: Only me Download-Link: Read the Thesis Biggest Learning: A good...

SemesterGameJam Organisation

Description: The “SemesterGameJam” is an event in which participants form groups and build a video game from scratch within 42 continuous hours. This every semester returning event is organized voluntarily by students (founded by Lena Fischer in winter...