One Man Wrecking Crew
- Description/Genre: 2D Arena Endless Survival Spaceshooter
- Technology: Unity, HLSL, XBox360 Controller
- Scale: One Month
- Team Size: Three
- Job: Game and Enemy Logic, Shader (Object, Spawn Animation, Motion Blur, Difficulty Increase Wave
- Download-Link: Build .exe for Windows
- Biggest Learning: Shaders are more afraid of you than the other way around.
“One Man Wrecking Crew” is a arena survival endless spaceshooter. You control a spaceship in a small arena in which periodically spawn enemies. Shooting down the enemies is the goal of the game as it increase the player score. After specific score values, the difficulty of the game increases. This is symbolised to the player by a colored wave effect coming from the center of the arena.
There are three unique enemy types which are introduced in the first three difficulties.
You can control the game via controller or the keyboard. The latter is recommended as the game was built and tested with a XBox360 controller. The left stick controls the movement, the right dynamically determines the direction the player is shooting.
On the keyboard, W,A,S,D keys are used to move while the player will shoot in the direction of pressed arrow keys.